Podcast: A Beekeeper’s Paradise in North Omaha

New Podcast Live! As honey bees swarm around him, Clark Williams says working with bees makes him feel alive. His nine-year old daughter, Aaliyah Porter, plays with a collection of sticks several yards away as NOISE reporter Emily Chen-Newton interviews Clark about his bees. Aaliyah is by no means afraid of the bees. Quite the contrary, she calls them her angels because she finds being with them so peaceful. Her father Clark explains the bees are angels in his mind, too, because of their role as pollinators. "Every third bite of food you eat comes from a bee," he says. Walking down the path away from the hives with his daughter leading the way, Clark muses about the many metaphors that bees give their keepers. "They take care of their queens." This is a metaphor for how communities need to take care of their sisters, mothers and daughters.


Scroll through photos of Clark and his daughter as you listen:

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